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Welcome to Picasso Class

Class Teacher:    Mrs Gough 

Teaching Assistants:  Mrs Humphrys, Mrs Richardson, Miss King. 


21st June 2022

We had Ollie from ‘Beat goes on’ come to visit us, he used to work in Stomp. He taught us all about using our bodies today create body percussion. The children had a fantastic time creating rhythms to their names.


16th June 2022

During circle time, we shared the story of the rainbow fish and took turns to tell all our friends what makes us happy, what makes us sad and the things we like to share.


26th April 2022

We had an amazing time at the Wilderness Foundation.

The children enjoyed the coach ride telling us all where they lived, where they went shopping and where their aunty may live on the way. When we arrived we went into our classes and the leader Terry came to explain the activities. Our first activity was bug hunting in the woods. We were lucky enough to find worms, centipedes, millipedes, hover flies, butterflies, wood lice and many more. We then had a lovely walk through the woods to visit the large badger set that is there, all whilst spotting animals trails. After lunch we created butterflies by using sticks, flowers, stones and leaves, anything we could find in the woods. At the end of the day we built dens using rope, the trees and tarpaulin. The object for our den building was to make a den that we could all get under and not get wet. We had great fun and thought it was very funny. On the journey home we were very tired but did enjoy talking about our day.

Thank you to Mr Lyne and Mrs Waterhouse for supporting the class with our visit.


24th March 2022

Enjoying some free play in our outdoor area.


1st March 2022

We have had great fun learning how to make pancakes.

18th November 2021

We talked about how we celebrate our birthdays and what month we were born in.

18th October 2021

The children used spoons to scoop out the flesh and seeds from inside the pumpkin. They used their noticing skills and lots of language to describe what they could see, feel and smell - hard, wet, cold, freezing, slimy, sticky, orange, big, two, hole, seeds. Some children suggested that we could plant the seeds and grow some pumpkins. Other children talked about eating the pumpkin and seeds.
Quite a few of them thought it was yucky and didn’t like it!

7th October 2021

We have spent some time in the nature garden today to see how many different things we could see.

16th September 2021

We were visited by Neil the fire education officer today. He talked about how people help us.


September 2021

We have really enjoyed our first few weeks at Tollesbury School. These are some of the things we have already experienced. 

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